Friday, 11 January 2013

2013 - A Year To Grow

With the hectic year that 2012 was now behind us, maybe 2013 will be your year of growth?

On the country social calendar it is going to be a quiet year by all accounts.  We might wet the royal baby's head, but otherwise as a business we can get to focus on how our company can 'socialise'.

I Didn't Know That!
Have you had conversations with your customers who tell you things they been up to and silently you kick yourself for not knowing about it, as it could have been an opportunity for you?
Social media whether you like it or not, get it or don't get it, is here to stay.  Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Windows Live are all platforms where both individuals and businesses are now letting everyone that cares to know, about their activities.

It's The Subtleties That Make The Difference
If you tried to monitor all the social media sites to try and find what your customers were doing, you would never get any business done.  But what if everytime you looked at a customer record, the social media sites returned any results that matched the contact records?
We are in an internet connected world now, and our applications need to be internet connected to maximise our opportunties. We need to be able to communicate with AND find information about, our customers.

Get One Vision Of Your Business
Customer Relationship Management is no longer the domain of the sales department, it is a one vision (name that song!) topic for your company.  CRM is a company-wide tool to understand your business and how you and your customer's businesses are ticking.  With all encompassing tools like you can have a view of all the business activities with your customers and through easy widget/gadget integration of social media can find out about their activities sooner, rather than later.
Technology has advanced rapidly and as a result the cost of these advanced solutions has reduced to be accessible by all.

Take A Moment, Take A Look
Try looking up on Twitter and Facebook and finding your customer's contacts or company names and see what comes back.  I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised.  The question is, could information like that help you grow your business?  I think it could.

Have a prosperous 2013!
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